In About MCA

When sharing that you are a part of the MN Cancer Alliance (MCA), how do you describe what the MCA is and what it does? How do you explain the value of the MCA or how people, and organizations, can join?

You may find those questions hard to answer and you are not alone!

To help answer these questions and to better promote the Alliance, the MCA Membership and Communication Committee has launched a project – The ABCs of the MCA. This project, focused on messaging and video stories, will articulate our mission, describe the value of being a member, and most importantly, highlight the opportunities to work collaboratively on our Cancer Plan Minnesota 2025.

A clear messaging plan and video stories will be valuable assets in promoting the MCA. These assets will live on our website, be featured in our monthly newsletters and will be used to build momentum for MCA Summit held in February 2019. To ensure this project’s success, we received grant funding to retain, John Capecci, a professional in communications and a master at storytelling.

With our original questions in mind, how do you answer the following:

  • What is the MCA?
  • What does the MCA do?
  • What is the value of the MCA?

Please share your answers to these questions with Ruth Bachman, MCA Membership and Communications Committee chair, at

We want to hear all voices and all perspectives as we are building impactful messaging around the MCA. Watch for more to come over the next few months. Thank you!

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