In Health Equity, Prevention

Spreading the word about cancer in the local community, the Masonic Cancer Center Community Engagement and Education team partnered with Centro Tyrone Guzman (“Mom’s summer program”) and Grupo Mujeres en Accion y Poder (Women in Action & Power group) to host interactive nutrition presentations focusing on cancer-fighting foods.

They brought awareness to the Hispanic/Latino community regarding the importance of nutrition and its association with chronic diseases such as cancer. Each session included a food demonstration and all attendees participating in the program prepared two healthy recipe using fresh ingredients. This is part of an ongoing program to bring awareness to the Hispanic/Latino community regarding the importance of nutrition and cancer. It encourages participants/attendees to live a healthier life by eating right and educates them about appropriate screening tests and resources in the community that provide them at low or no cost. Sessions were hosted in Spanish.

The outreach team also had the opportunity to participate in the Indian Health Board’s first Men’s Health Day! The event included demonstrations in the MashKiiKii Gitigan medicine garden and a drum group, while allowing team members to share information and education with men about cancer-fighting foods and other cancer literature.

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