objective 1: data

Expand the scope and quality of data used to measure the success of cancer control efforts in Minnesota
1.1 Advocate for increased funding for the Minnesota Cancer Reporting System to expand its capacity for data analysis, community engagement and cancer communications to the public
1.2 Standardize the collection and reporting of race, ethnicity, preferred language and country of origin for cancer-related datasets
1.3 Engage under-represented communities in identifying critical data gaps
1.4 Collect aggregate data from Commission on Cancer-accredited programs to assess progress on cancer plan objectives for detection, treatment and survivorship
1.5 Explore the feasibility of using the Minnesota All Payer Claims Database to monitor strategic priorities
1.6 Develop and conduct a statewide survey to assess survivorship needs and services
get involved. work together. be heard.
Contact us at communications@mncanceralliance.org.