The Minnesota Cancer Alliance is a broad partnership of organizations and leaders from across Minnesota. We represent public health and health care organizations, cancer centers, culturally diverse organizations, researchers, nonprofit organizations, cancer survivors, caregivers, and advocates — all dedicated to reducing the burden of cancer across the continuum from prevention and detection to treatment, survivorship, and end-of-life care.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC) funds every state health department to support their cancer alliance. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Staff are our liaison between the MCA and the CDC.
our mission
To reduce the burden of cancer for all people living in Minnesota by working together to promote the goals of Cancer Plan Minnesota.
our vision
For Minnesota to be a place where:
- Preventable cancers do not occur
- People who develop cancer are diagnosed at the earliest stage possible
- People with cancer are given the highest quality, state-of-the-art care available to maximize their chances of survival and quality of life
- Preventable disparities in the prevention of cancer, and in the quality, experience, and outcomes of care for patients with cancer are eliminated
- Full support is given to research about the causes of cancers, prevention, early detection, treatment, quality of life, and palliation
The Minnesota Cancer Alliance Committees are comprised of Alliance members and are responsible for various functions of the Alliance including overall governance, fiscal oversight, evaluation, advocacy, membership and communication. Learn more.
The Minnesota Cancer Alliance Networks are comprised of Alliance members who meet to increase collaboration and coordination; and reduce duplication among Alliance partners around a specific topic. Learn more.